Welcome to Crayon, a free, open-source, beginner-oriented programming language for creating 2D games.

You can export Crayon projects to run on a variety of platforms including:
- iOS
- The Web (exports to plain JavaScript, so no browser plugin necessary)
- Windows
- Chrome OS
Android support is currently in the works.
Crayon is a standalone programming language, not a game maker or game engine. It is open source (under the MIT license) and will always be free to use.
Where to get started:
- Downloading and setup instructions
- If you're completely new to programming, you should start with the Introduction to Crayon for Beginners.
- If you already know a few programming languages, the Introduction to Crayon for intermediate programmers uses concepts you already know and quickly outlines the Crayon equivalents.
The tutorials page also has a variety of tutorials for more specific tasks. Additionally the Demos page is a good place to see real code in action.
Getting Help
- Google group/mailing list
- IRC (#crayon on freenode.net)
- Stack Overflow #crayon tag
- @ or send a message the Twitter account (or just follow for new tutorials or release announcements).